The Good Ol’ Boy’s Affair With Siri

Posted on June 18, 2015

The Georgia Good Ol’ Boy got an iPhone 6+ a couple of days ago.  Okay, I admit that I gave him this gizmo for his birthday, which happens to be today.  (Happy Birthday, hubbie…)

So, he’s a guy.  And, more important, he’s a geeky guy.  An engineer.  He’s a happy man right now.  (I get serious wife points for this present.)

But this morning I started to have some serious misgivings about this gift.  During our drive to work, he spent as much time talking to Siri as he did talking to me.  Here’s how the conversation went:


Him: “Hey Siri”

Siri: “How can I help you?”

Him: “What is particle physics”

Siri:  “I have found a listing in Wikipedia as follows:  Particle physics is the branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter (particles with mass) and radiation (massless particles). . . .”

Me: “Stop, Siri, you’re breaking my brain.”

Him: “Hey, Siri”

Siri:  “How can I help you?”

Him: “Siri, is there a God.”

Siri:  “I eschew religious conversations.”

Me:  “Well, she’s sensible, I’ll give her that.”

Him: “Hey, Siri”

Siri:  “How can I help you?”

Him:  “Who’s your daddy?”

Siri:  “You are.”