I Stink at New Year’s Resolutions

Posted on January 2, 2013

I don’t know about you, but New Year’s resolutions demoralize me.  I have never carried through on any resolution I’ve ever made on January 1.  And I’ve made so many – losing weight being the perennial favorite.  But I have others, like cleaning and organizing the closets, getting rid of the clutter, not eating out so much.  You know the drill.  I’m not terribly original with my resolutions.

It’s kind of funny how we approach the new year, determine to make ourselves “better” in some way. It’s like we all decide to engage in a month of early Lent.  And, let’s face it, how many people do you know who have actually carried out a New Year’s resolution.

I don’t know one person.  Although I do know that they all seem to show up at my gym every January, crowding the showers and the makeup mirrors.  But the crowd at the gym is back to the morning regulars by February.

I’m determined not to make a resolution this year.  Or, better yet, make a resolution that would be easy to keep, like drinking a glass of red wine every day – for heart health. Or baking cookies once a week.  Or spending more time playing my guitar and less time stressing about work.  You know, resolutions that aren’t intended to make me a “better” person, but which might make life a little more enjoyable.  Maybe if our resolutions were more fun, we wouldn’t give up on them so easily.

How about you?  Are you trying to make yourself better this year?  Or have you joined those of us whose only resolution this year is to swear off making resolutions?