Knit Along — Week Four

Posted on August 30, 2013

Every day now, the mail man is bringing me packages with hats!  Y’all have really come through with your knitting and crocheting.


I only finished one hat this week.  But it came out really nice.  It’s another sock yarn hat.  And I think I have enough sock yarn to make one more of these.  I’m taking a few days off next week and I hope to have a lot time to knit and to read just for fun.  (I’m on a Kristan Higgans binge right at the moment.)


I’ll be away next Friday, so I won’t be posting on that day.  But I will be posting the winners of the Advanced Reader Copies of Last Chance Knit & Stitch on Monday September 9.  And I’ll be posting photos of all the hats I have received.

If you have hats to send, please send them to the following address:

Hope Ramsay
1901 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Suite 804
Washington, DC 20006

Everyone who sends a hat will get a fun tape measure.  I’ll be sending out the tape measures the week of September 9 as well.