Rookie Author at the Big League Meeting

July 27, 2010

I firmly believe that baseball is a metaphor for life. I realize that many readers are not big baseball fans, so I’ll try hard not to use too many baseball metaphors here. But I just can’t resist this time.

I recently saw an interview with a hot, young pitcher who had just made it to the big leagues after toiling for a number of years in the minor leagues. The kid was kind of ga-ga eyed. Here he was sitting in front of a TV camera being asked by someone how the big leagues were different from the minor leagues, and he looked about twelve years old. The kid kind of nodded at the question and then, in an aw-shucks manner said, “Well, the club house is a lot nicer.” Read the rest of this entry »


July 21, 2010

Well it’s finally done . . . sort of .  This webpage has taken up way more time that I had anticipated, but at least it’s up and runng in advance of next week’s RWA National meeting in Orlando.

Which means I’ll have a place to make posts about being a rookie author at the BIG MEETING.  I’ve been to RWA before, of course, but never with both a spiffy First Sale AND Golden Heart  ribbon on my chest.  So next week is going to be an experience.

I’ll be posting reactions, photos and other fun stuff, so check in starting on Wednesday July 28.  I’ll also be blogging about the conference on on July 30.

When I get back I’ll be making some more improvements to the site, but I would sure love to have your thoughts and opinions.  If you have suggestions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment.