What if Bubba Ran The Olympics
Posted on August 6, 2012
So, like just about everyone, I’ve spend a lot of couch potato time this past week watching the Olympics. Of course I love swimming, gymnastics, and track. These seem like perfectly legitimate sports. And I’ve streamed a lot of sailing because, well, I was once a sailor and I get all tingly watching those men and women tack and jibe.
But then we get to the other stuff . . . like ping pong.
I’m open minded. I can see that ping pong is the national sport of some countries. But my dear husband, who is a sports fan with good ol’ boy tendencies, scoffs at ping pong. Don’t get him started on rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, or water polo.
If he were in charge of the Olympics he’d add a new event called – the Good Ol’ Boy Decathlon, with the following events:
Competitive Fishin’
Lawn Tractor Racin’
Mud hole Swimin’
Watermelon Eatin’
Competitive Barbecue Lightin’
Plain Ol’ Huntin’
Synchronized Cowboy Dancin’
(Okay, the DH doesn’t want to see this but I do.)
Gator wrestlin’
Monster Truck Auto Mashin’
Sling Slot Shootin’